Results for 'Samuel Fernández Eyzaguirre'

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    El VII Seminario de Estudios Patrísticos.Samuel Fernández Eyzaguirre - 2007 - Teología y Vida 48 (2-3).
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    Fernández eyzaguirre, Samuel. Jesús. Los orígenes históricos Del cristianismo desde el año 28 al 48 D. C.Sergio Zañartu - 2008 - Teología y Vida 49 (1-2).
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    In memoriam.Samuel Fernández - 2024 - Teología y Vida 65 (3):503-505.
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    Libretas inéditas de Juana Fernández Solar Santa Teresa de Jesús de los Andes.Samuel Fernández - 2021 - Teología y Vida 62 (1):107-128.
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    Visita de los profesores Lorenzo Perrone y Anders-Christian Jacobsen.Samuel Fernández - 2017 - Teología y Vida 58 (2):255-256.
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    Comment évaluer une personne? L'expertise judiciaire et ses usages moraux.Fabrice Fernandez, Samuel Lézé & Hélène Strauss - 2011 - Cahiers Internationaux de Sociologie n° 128-129 (1):177-204.
    Résumé L’expertise psychiatrique est un instrument d’évaluation devenu indispensable dans le champ judiciaire tout en étant régulièrement contesté. Comment comprendre ce paradoxe apparent? En décrivant, répond l’article, comment le droit formalise une partie de la morale autour de la catégorie de personne. À partir d’une étude de cas fondée sur une observation des usages de l’expertise dans une chambre correctionnelle, la première partie montre comment les acteurs de la justice évaluent l’instrument d’évaluation ; la seconde partie se penche sur la (...)
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    Los primeros conflictos del padre Hurtado y «el espíritu de Lovaina».Samuel Fernández - 2010 - Teología y Vida 51 (4):609-626.
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    Presentación.Samuel Fernández - 2010 - Teología y Vida 51 (1-2).
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    Sanuel Ramos: trayectoria filosófica y anología de textos.Samuel Ramos & Agustín Basave Fernández del Valle - 1965 - Centro de Estudios Humanísticos de la Universidad de Nuevo León.
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    “Begotten” and “Created”. The Synod of Ancyra (358 C.E.) on the Perfect Birth of the Son of God.Samuel Fernández - 2021 - Augustinianum 61 (1):9-23.
    The present article seeks to reconstruct the Christological meaning of the verbs “creating” and “begetting” in the Synodical letter of Ancyra (358). In order to assess the teaching of this document, the first part of the article provides an overview of the Christological use of “creating” and “begetting” from the beginning of the Arian crisis up to the eve of the synod of Ancyra. The second part studies the verbs “creating” and “begetting” in the Letter of Ancyra. The synodical document (...)
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    El impacto de la historia de Jesús en la sistemática de Calcedonia.Samuel Fernández - 2011 - Teología y Vida 52 (3):407-431.
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    El propósito de la estructura del De principiis de Orígenes.Samuel Fernández - 2014 - Teología y Vida 55 (2):243-261.
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    ¿Fragmentos teológicos de Fotino?. La doctrina original del Obispo de Sirmio.Samuel Fernández - 2018 - Salmanticensis 65 (2):199-235.
    La reconstrucción de la doctrina de Fotino de Sirmio presenta graves dificultades, por una parte, porque su enseñanza fue rápidamente reducida por la tradición posterior a la radical negación de la divinidad de Cristo y, por otra, porque no se conserva nada de sus obras. De hecho, Friedrich Loofs afirma que sólo se conserva una frase de Fotino. El presente artículo busca mostrar que la noticia de Epifanio es más confiable de lo que se ha dicho y que contiene algunos (...)
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    La historia del lector y la Escritura según Orígenes.Samuel Fernández - 2020 - Teología y Vida 61 (1):9-20.
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    The Council of Nicaea and its reception.Samuel Fernández - 2016 - Teología y Vida 57 (2):297-303.
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    Correspondencia del Padre Alberto Hurtado C., S.J., relacionada con la fundación de la Facultad de Teología de la Pontificia Universidad Católica. [REVIEW]Samuel Fernández - 2003 - Teología y Vida 44 (1).
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    Samuel FERNÁNDEZ, El descubrimiento de Jesús. Los primeros debates cristológicos y su relevancia para nosotros (Colección Nueva Alianza 253), Salamanca, Ediciones Sígueme, 2022, 208 pp. 17€. ISBN: 978-84-301-2119-9. [REVIEW]Antonio Bueno Ávila - 2022 - Isidorianum 31 (1):193-195.
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    José Emilio Pacheco Translating Samuel Beckett. The case of Cómo es.José Francisco Fernández - 2021 - Alpha (Osorno) 52:149-162.
    Resumen: En la historia de la recepción de Samuel Beckett en los países de habla no inglesa, la primera traducción de Comment c’est al castellano, realizada por José Emilio Pacheco en 1966, aparece como un hito aislado y deslumbrante. Esta traducción a partir del texto original en francés, hecha por el poeta mexicano cuando tenía 27 años, no tuvo una repercusión notable en su momento, a pesar de la audacia de la empresa y de la brillantez de la traducción. (...)
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  19. Pensamiento Y trayectoria de Samuel Ramos.Agustín Basave Fernández del Valle - 1963 - Humanitas 16:123.
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    Intellectual History and Democracy: An Interview with Pierre Rosanvallon: Introduction.Samuel Moyn - 2007 - Journal of the History of Ideas 68 (4):701-702.
    Brief introduction to an interview with Pierre Rosanvallon, conducted by Javier Fernández Sebastián, in Madrid, September 28, 2006.
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    Orígenes, "Sobre los principios". Introducción, texto crítico, traducción y notas de Samuel Fernández. Fuentes Patrísticas 27.Miguel Herrero de Jáuregui - 2017 - 'Ilu. Revista de Ciencias de Las Religiones 22:550-552.
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  22. El sentido Teológico de las metáforas de comer y beber en Orígenes.Fernando Soler - 2020 - Dissertation, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
    El pasado 8 de junio 2020, Fernando Soler Escalona, estudiante de nuestra Facultad, obtuvo el grado académico de Doctor en Teología, con una tesis sobre El sentido teológico de las metáforas de comer y beber en la obra de Orí-genes, redactada bajo la supervisión de Samuel Fernández, Profesor Titular de Patrología. La defensa fue inusual: la pandemia de COVID-19 obligó a realizarla por videoconferencia, para mantener el aislamiento físico entre los participantes. En la espera de la publicación integral (...)
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  23. How to think like a Philosopher: Scholars, Dreamers and Sages Who Can Teach Us How to Live.Peter Cave - 2023 - London: Bloomsbury Academic.
    ‘...if you learn to think like Peter Cave – with freshness, humour, objectivity and penetration – you will have been amply rewarded.’ :::: Prof. Felipe Fernandez-Armesto, University of Notre Dame __________________ Chapter Titles:>>> ___ 1 Lao Tzu: The Way to Tao >>> 2 Sappho: Lover >>> 3 Zeno of Elea: Tortoise Backer, Parmenidean Helper >>> 4 Gadfly: aka ‘Socrates’ >>> 5 Plato: Charioteer, Magnificent Footnote Inspirer – ‘Nobody Does It Better’ >>> 6 Aristotle: Earth-Bound, Walking >>> 7 Epicurus: Gardener, Curing (...)
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    Between Realism and Relativism: Moral Certainty as a Third Option.Samuel Laves - 2020 - Philosophical Forum 51 (3):297-313.
    This paper is an attempt to lay out a meta‐ethical position that is inspired by the framework of Wittgenstein's later philosophy. To achieve this goal, this paper is divided into two parts. First, I explore recent attempts to tie Wittgenstein's epistemology in On Certainty to moral epistemology. I argue that there can be a meaningful parallel drawn between the epistemic certainties discussed in On Certainty and what I consider to be moral certainties. These moral certainties are unjustified fundamental moral attitudes (...)
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  25. Consent and the Mere Means Principle.Samuel Kahn - 2024 - Journal of Value Inquiry 58 (3):515-533.
    Kant’s Formula of Humanity can be analyzed into two parts. One is an injunction to treat humanity always as an end. The other is a prohibition on using humanity as a mere means. The second is often referred to as the FH prohibition or the mere means prohibition. It has become popular to interpret this prohibition in terms of consent. The idea is that, if X uses Y's humanity as a means and Y does not consent to it, then X (...)
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    The Principles of Judaism.Samuel Lebens - 2020 - Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.
    Samuel Lebens takes the three principles of Jewish faith, as proposed by Rabbi Joseph Albo (1380-1444), in order to scrutinize and refine them with the toolkit of contemporary analytic philosophy. What could it mean for a perfect being to create a world from nothing? Could our world be anything more than a figment of God's imagination? What is the Torah? What does Judaism expect from a Messiah, and what would it mean for a world to be redeemed? These questions (...)
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  27. Alienation and the Metaphysics of Normativity: On the Quality of Our Relations with the World.Jack Samuel - 2023 - Journal of Ethics and Social Philosophy 26 (1).
    I argue that metaethicists should be concerned with two kinds of alienation that can result from theories of normativity: alienation between an agent and her reasons, and alienation between an agent and the concrete others with whom morality is principally concerned. A theory that cannot avoid alienation risks failing to make sense of central features of our experience of being agents, in whose lives normativity plays an important role. The twin threats of alienation establish two desiderata for theories of normativity; (...)
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    Judith Butler and political theory: troubling politics.Samuel Allen Chambers - 2008 - New York: Routledge. Edited by Terrell Carver.
  29. A general theory of ecology.Samuel M. Scheiner & Michael R. Willig - 2011 - In Samuel M. Scheiner & Michael R. Willig (eds.), The theory of ecology. London: University of Chicago Press.
  30. Consequentialism and its critics.Samuel Scheffler - 1989 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 179 (1):129-130.
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    Scientific Imperialism: Exploring the Boundaries of Interdisciplinarity.Manuela Fernandez Pinto, Uskali Mäki & Adrian Walsh (eds.) - 2019 - Routledge.
    The growing body of research on interdisciplinarity has encouraged a more in depth analysis of the relations that hold among academic disciplines. In particular, the incursion of one scientific discipline into another discipline’s traditional domain, also known as scientific imperialism, has been a matter of increasing debate. Following this trend, Scientific Imperialism aims to bring together philosophers of science and historians of science interested in the topic of scientific imperialism and, in particular, interested in the conceptual clarification, empirical identification, and (...)
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    Exploring the limits of dissent: the case of shooting bias.Manuela Fernandez Pinto & Anna Leuschner - 2022 - Synthese 200 (4):1-19.
    The shooting bias hypothesis aims to explain the disproportionate number of minorities killed by police. We present the evidence mounting in support of the existence of shooting bias and then focus on two dissenting studies. We examine these studies in light of Biddle and Leuschner’s “inductive risk account of epistemically detrimental dissent” and conclude that, although they meet this account only partially, the studies are in fact epistemically and socially detrimental as they contribute to racism in society and to a (...)
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  33. The whole duty of man according to the law of nature.Samuel Pufendorf - 2003 - Indianapolis, IN: Liberty Fund. Edited by Ian Hunter, David Saunders & Jean Barbeyrac.
  34. Locke on the Freedom to Will.Samuel C. Rickless - 2000 - Locke Studies 31:43-68.
    In Book II, Chapter xxi of An essay concerning human understanding, Locke claims that a mind's will is its power 'to order the consideration of any Idea, or the forbearing to consider it; or to prefer the motion of any part of the body to its rest, and vice versa in any particular instance' (Il. xxi. 5).l To exercise this power (that is, to will), Locke says, is to perform an act of volition (or: willing), volitions being actions of the (...)
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    Hannah Arendt on the secular.Samuel Moyn - manuscript
    This paper shows that Hannah Arendt was a theorist both of secularization as a process and the secular as a goal of modern politics. It reconstructs these arguments in her corpus, especially her book "On Revolution," and argues that this dimension of her work may have been a response to Carl Schmitt (and is in any event now usefully read in such a way). The paper ends by examining how Arendt might reply to currently influential challengers of a secular politics.
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  36. Spinoza's modal metaphysics.Samuel Newlands - 2023 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    Spinoza studies have seen a renaissance of interest in his views on modality, from which considerable disagreement has emerged about Spinoza's modal commitments. Much of this disagreement stems from larger interpretive disagreements about Spinoza's metaphysics. After a brief introduction, this SEP article begins with Spinoza's views on the distribution of modal properties, which quickly leads the heart of Spinoza's metaphysics, intersecting his views on causation, inherence, God, ontological plenitude and the principle of sufficient reason. Although the question of whether Spinoza (...)
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  37. Delusion and self-deception: Mapping the terrain.Tim Bayne & Jordi Fernández - 2008 - In Tim Bayne & Jordi Fernández (eds.), Delusion and Self-Deception: Affective and Motivational Influences on Belief Formation (Macquarie Monographs in Cognitive Science). Psychology Press. pp. 1-21.
    The papers in this volume are drawn from a workshop on delusion and self-deception, held at Macquarie University in November of 2004. Our aim was to bring together theorists working on delusions and self-deception with an eye towards identifying and fostering connections—at both empirical and conceptual levels—between these domains. As the contributions to this volume testify, there are multiple points of contact between delusion and self-deception. This introduction charts the conceptual space in which these points of contact can be located (...)
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  38. Another Kind of Spinozistic Monism.Samuel Newlands - 2010 - Noûs 44 (3):469-502.
    I argue that Spinoza endorses "conceptual dependence monism," the thesis that all forms of metaphysical dependence (such as causation, inherence, and existential dependence) are conceptual in kind. In the course of explaining the view, I further argue that it is actually presupposed in the proof for his more famed substance monism. Conceptual dependence monism also illuminates several of Spinoza’s most striking metaphysical views, including the intensionality of causal contexts, parallelism, metaphysical perfection, and explanatory rationalism. I also argue that this priority (...)
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  39. Separate neural systems value immediate and delayed monetary rewards.Samuel McClure, David Laibson, George Loewenstein & Jonathan Cohen - 2004 - Science 306 (5695):503–7.
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    The Multicriterial Approach to the Problem of Demarcation.Damian Fernandez-Beanato - 2020 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 51 (3):375-390.
    The problem of demarcating science from nonscience remains unsolved. This article executes an analytical process of elimination of different demarcation proposals put forward since the professionalization of the philosophy of science, explaining why each of those proposals is unsatisfactory or incomplete. Then, it elaborates on how to execute an alternative multicriterial scientific demarcation project put forward by Mahner. This project allows for the demarcation not only of science from non-science and from pseudoscience, but also of different types of sciences and (...)
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  41. La epistemología de la experiencia religiosa según William P. Alston.Francisco Javier Carballo Fernández - 2007 - Ciencia Tomista 134 (1):137-148.
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    A Restatement of Economic Liberalism.Samuel Brittan - 1988 - Humanity Books.
    This book attracted attention on first publication under the title of "Capitalism and the Permissive Society" as a spirited defence of capitalism aimed at radicals who valued personal liberty above conformity and authority. It is, if anything, of even greater relevance today now that the political debate centres more on the uses and abuses of both the market and government inter-vention. In this new edition, the author discusses the latest developments in the world of ideas and events. His verdict on (...)
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  43. Traduciendo al traductor: Arcángel Madriñano y Cristóbal de Arcos.Vicente Calvo Fernández - forthcoming - Nova et Vetera.
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  44. Sobre psicoanálisis y deconstrucción.Paco Vidarte Fernández - 1998 - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 16:133-142.
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  45. (1 other version)Judging Evil: Rethinking the Law of Murder and Manslaughter.Samuel H. Pillsbury - 2000 - Law and Philosophy 19 (3):407-429.
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  46. A Philosophical Treatise of Universal Induction.Samuel Rathmanner & Marcus Hutter - 2011 - Entropy 13 (6):1076-1136.
    Understanding inductive reasoning is a problem that has engaged mankind for thousands of years. This problem is relevant to a wide range of fields and is integral to the philosophy of science. It has been tackled by many great minds ranging from philosophers to scientists to mathematicians, and more recently computer scientists. In this article we argue the case for Solomonoff Induction, a formal inductive framework which combines algorithmic information theory with the Bayesian framework. Although it achieves excellent theoretical results (...)
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  47. Is the Basic Structure Basic?Samuel Scheffler - 2006 - In Christine Sypnowich (ed.), The Egalitarian Conscience: Essays in Honour of G. A. Cohen. Oxford University Press.
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    Confessions of a lapsed Neo-Davidsonian: events and arguments in compositional semantics.Samuel Louis Bayer - 1997 - New York: Garland.
    Chapter 1 Introduction How are participants associated with the eventualities they participate in? Are there events? Thematic roles? ...
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    Megarian paradoxes as Eleatic arguments.Samuel C. Wheeler - 1983 - American Philosophical Quarterly 20 (3):287-295.
    I argue that the paradoxes attributed to the Megarians, namely the Liar, the Sorites, presupposition ("Have you stopped beating your father,") and failure of substitution of co-referential terms in psychological verbs ("The Electra") were intended to be reasons to accept Parmenides view that non-being is an incoherent notion and that there is exactly One Being. That is, Eubulides and others were akin to Zeno, in indirectly supporting Parmenidean monism.
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  50. Todo estriba en el oído.Paco Vidarte Fernández - 1999 - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 19:149-164.
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